Eugene Morrow
Nellie K. Parker
E. Frederic Morrow
John Morrow
William Morrow
E. Frederic Morrow
NY Times AA Registry

The Record
August 25, 2013

E. Frederic Morrow

Jackie Robinson's letter to Morrow

Jackie Robinson sent this message to Presidential assistant E. Frederic Morrow in August 1957 as the first civil rights legislation since Reconstruction was being negotiated between Congress and the Eisenhower administration. Public citizen Robinson--along with race leaders such as Ralph Bunche, A. Philip Randolph, and the publishers of the popular black newspapers--the Chicago Defender, [Baltimore] Afro-American, and the [New York] Amsterdam News --considered
the emerging final version of the 1957 Civil Rights Act too weak and urged Eisenhower to veto it. In the end, Eisenhower signed the bill.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
White House Central
Box 773
File: OF-142-A-5

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E. Frederic Morrow